Friday, October 05, 2018

'Bokoreri Obuya Nkorw' Asore: Ekegusii hymn

The Music Teacher from Lutheran Theological Seminary-Nyamira, Kenya with his family singing the first two verses of hymn 70 from the Ekegusii hymnal Moterere Omonene.

'Bokoreri Obuya Nkorw' Asore, 
lyrics by Enock Kalembo

1. Omo:
'Bokoreri obuya nkorw' asore,
Omonene bw'obonene.
Ring'ana rigiy' erieta riao.

/:Yeso nomochakano bw'emeremo,
na nechinguru ase obokoreri bwaito.:/

2. Omo:
Abakoreri mogondo oo,
obae ososemeria.
Ne chinguru kobr' emeremo.

/: Bakore yonsi ase obwegenwa,
bab' abarendi eri' emeremo tesareka. :/

Enock Kalembo's Kiswahili version is #71 in Mwimbiene Bwana