Useful Resources
Liturgical and ELH Graphic Resources/Lead Sheets
Luther's Explanatory Notes on the Gospels for the Historic Pericope (ELH)
Online Resources for Lutheran Theological Seminary-Nyamira, KenyaLuther's Explanatory Notes on the Gospels for the Historic Pericope (ELH)
Prayers for the Festival of the Holy Trinity
Litany to the Holy Ghost, for Pentecost
Recordings for Rite 1, the Bugenhagen Electric Organ in the ELH
Recordings for Rite 1, the Bugenhagen Piano in the ELH
Recordings for Rite 1, the Bugenhagen Pipe Organ in the ELH
Recordings for Rite 2, The Common Order Electric Organ in the ELH
Matins in the ELH p. 109 Electric Organ
Vespers in the ELH p. 120 Electric Organ
Select ELH Hymns and Rite II by Pr. Martin W. Diers.
Litany to the Holy Ghost, for Pentecost
Recordings for Rite 1, the Bugenhagen Electric Organ in the ELH
Recordings for Rite 1, the Bugenhagen Piano in the ELH
Recordings for Rite 1, the Bugenhagen Pipe Organ in the ELH
Recordings for Rite 2, The Common Order Electric Organ in the ELH
Matins in the ELH p. 109 Electric Organ
Vespers in the ELH p. 120 Electric Organ
Select ELH Hymns and Rite II by Pr. Martin W. Diers.
Bible GatewaySwordWeb
Lutheran Confessions
Book Of Concord WebsiteLibrivox Audio Recordings
Martin Luther's Small Catechism (ELS)
Martin Luther's Large Catechism, Large Catechism other Readers
Theological Works
C.F.W. Walther's The Proper Distinction Between Law and GospelText
Audio Book
Notes on the Writings of Gerhard Forde
Martin Luther's works
Audio recorded at Librivox
General Websites
Pr. Webber's Website
Church Fathers
Apostolic Fathers
Liturgical and Hymn Resources
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