Friday, January 31, 2014

Redeeming Holy Days--Protestant Sources

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Protestant Writings against the Medieval Church and Liturgical Days

These resources ar highly biased and very inaccurate regarding the origins of the Medieval Church liturgical season and days.

Thomas Becon
     1563 The Reliques of Rome
        [available with an account]

Joshua Stopford's
     1675 Pagano-Papismus
        [in this online edition of Stopford ]

Increase Mather
     1687   A TESTIMONY Against several Prophane and Superstitious CUSTOMS, Now Practised by some in New-England, The Evil whereof is evinced from the Holy Scriptures, and from the Writings both of Ancient and Modern Divines. 
        [web page at]
        This is from the Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanted)
Increase Mather was a rabidly anti-Catholic Puritan responsible for burning witches in Massachusetts.
American Puritan Increase Mather's 1687 A Testimony.. ch 3 section 4 claims "Incarnation of Christ, was in the seventh month." The argument he makes is against a Dec 25th Christmas. By "incarnation" Increase Mather seems to mean "birth" rather than "conception."

Alexander Hislop
    1858  The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be The Worship of Nimrod and His Wife, The Mark of the Beast Revealed, Fourth Edition edited by R.H. A&B Publishers Group, Brooklyn, New York.
        [at the internet archive]
       [ at philologos webpage version described as a Messianic Christian group emphasizing what they think is significant about what they believe is Jesus' Jewish background]